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Upcoming Billing Changes to SoccerPulse

As preseason begins to heat up, we want to make the entire community aware of changes that will be coming to SoccerPulse starting on July 17, 2024. This changes are in line with a larger shift to supporting the new platform PlayerPulse (which will replace and transition all users beginning in winter 2025).

1. We will continue to fully support the legacy SoccerPulse Platform through Winter 2025

In January 2025, we will be transitioning ALL USERS on the legacy SoccerPulse platform onto the new PlayerPulse platform (though it will retain the same SoccerPulse name and soccer specific features that you have come to expect from the app).

This will allow any legacy users who are comfortable with the original platform to avoid experiencing any disruptions during their fall season and get a taste of the new platform at their convenience.

2. Monthly and 4 Month Team Licenses will be discontinued beginning on July 17, 2024

Any current or existing subscriptions will continue to renew as normal, but in anticipation of the switch to the new platform, we will not be allowing any NEW subscription purchases.

Coaches and teams that do not currently have a monthly or 4 month subscription should purchase a new yearly subscription from the SoccerPulse web app. or should look to start on the new PlayerPulse platform immediately.

3. What Happens to Existing Subscriptions?

All existing customers who have an active subscription will see that subscription continue to operate without disruption until they choose to cancel / turn off auto-renew OR until the transition to the new platform begins, during which all existing subscriptions will lapse and coaches will need to purchase access through the new platform.

The exception to this is ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS currently purchased the Apple App Store (In App Purchases). These subscriptions will automatically lapse once the renewal date has passed.

If a coach purchases a 1 year subscription on the legacy SoccerPulse platform on July 17, 2024, they will continue to have access to the LEGACY platform until January 2025, AND will have access to the new platform until July 17, 2025.
At the conclusion of their 1 year subscription, they will be prompted to purchase a new subscription on the per player pricing model - on July 18, 2025.

If a user has an existing 4 month subscription and it renews on February 17, 2025 (after the transition to the new platform), they will be prompted to purchase a new subscription on the per player pricing model.

4. What About NCAA restrictions regarding data collection during restricted periods on the 1 year subscription?

One of the cool things about the new platform is all the features that we have coming to it that will make coaches and administrative lives easier. One of those functions allows for periods of time to be "blacked out", where no data collection can occur. The players will still have full access to the app to enter wellness reports, individual events, and keep track of their own training loads and injuries, but coaches will not be able to access any data entered during these periods, as determined at an organizational level.

If you have any questions about these changes, please feel free to reach out to us at

We're incredibly excited about the new features coming to PlayerPulse. Don't miss out!


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