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March 2022 Update - Event Templates, Kit Colors, Arrival Times, Favorite Formations and More!

Hello, SoccerPulse coaches!

As 2022 rolls on, we wanted to keep all of you updated on the new features in the app as we continue to improve the feature offerings on all our platforms.

Below you'll find the biggest highlights for the month of March. Hopefully, these improvements will help make your team management and organizational skills the best in the region!

Here are the top improvements for iOS and Android!

What’s New in iOS (3.9.0)

1. Event Templates

One of the biggest complaints we've heard from coaches is that adding events takes too long. Any time an event is added, you now have the option to save it as a template. The next time you go to add an event, you can select that template and populate all the days it occurs. This cuts down the amount of time it takes to add an event by about 90%.

2. Kit Colors, Arrival Time, and Mandatory/Optional Options

In addition to event templates, coaches can now add many new (but optional) additions to their events. These include kit colors (jersey, shorts, and socks), arrival time, whether the event is mandatory or optional, what field it is being played at, and launch directions to the event location.

3. Modify Multiple Events at Once

Keeping with the theme of improving the process for modifying events, it is now much easier to select multiple events at once and modify all of them in a single batch function. If the events all have the same location, start time, address, kit colors, or any combination of these, the fields will be automatically set to the correct values.

4. Improved Injury Reporting

We gave the user interface for adding wellness reports the same new look that we applied to adding events. It's now much easier for a player to see what their prior injury was, what their participation level was listed at, and modify it accordingly.

5. Favorite Formations

Formations have existed in the app since January, but we now allow coaches to select a favorite formation that will be saved and preloaded anytime the Formations screen is opened. We have plans to tie formations into the match screen so players can see what the starting IX is for the upcoming game.

What’s New in Android (3.3.9)

1. Event Templates

Event templates are an important new feature, so we didn't just want to add them to iOS. They are also available on all Android devices as well, which should speed up the event creation process!

2. Kit Colors, Arrival Time, and Mandatory/Optional

Same as event templates, we've added kit colors, arrival time, and mandatory/optional options to all newly added Android events as well.

3. Performance Improvements

Hearing some of the feedback on how long it takes the Squad Status screen to load (as it compiles training load, performance ratings, and wellness reports all into one), we've found a way to massively speed up the loading of all the data.

What's Next for April?

Without giving too much away, we want to give clubs the ability to share data with the parents of their players at their discretion, while also overhauling the IDP section to include player actions and make it fully customizable. Stay tuned!


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